GSoC 2017 is about to end. This post summarises my work during the course of summer.
Few people realise it, but even modest computers today, including mobile phones, have powerful GPUs. And these GPUs can be used serially and in parallel to CPUs, potentially delivering awesome performance.
In this project I wanted to make it possible to combine the beauty of Ruby with transparent GPU processing so that software developers can easily use that power when available, and farm out computations transparently to GPU and CPU. This will work both on client computers and on servers that make use of TESLA’s and Intel Xeon Phi solutions.
The GSoC 2017 application can be found here.
ArrayFire-rb: The pull request is undergoing a review.
ArrayFire-rb Benchmarks: Codebase can be found here.
Bio::FasterLmmD : Codebase can be found here
ArrayFire-rb now supports linear algebra on GPU and CPU. Currently only double dtype has been implemented. It supports dense and sparse matrices. It has multiple backends namely, CUDA, OpenCL and CPU.
The work on creating the bindings have been explained in last nine blog posts:
The performance of ArrayFire-rb is outstanding as expected.
I took a side-track working on Bio::FasterLmmD
. This work is not complete and still in progress.
It is an effort to call D from Ruby
. The work has been explained in a previous blog post.
The work on ArrayFire-rb - JRuby has been postponed for now as I wanted to concentrate on MRI for the best results.
The future work involves improving the ArrayFire-rb code and writing tutorials. ArrayFire is not limited to
linear algebra so I will create bindings for Signal Processing, Computer Vision, etc. I will also add support
for data types other than double
The work on ArrayFire-rb - JRuby will begin as soon as ArrayFire gem is published.
This has been my second GSoC with SciRuby. It has been more than an year contibuting extensively to FOSS. It has made me a 1000X better programmer that I used to be.
I really appreciate the effort by Google Open Source Committee for conducting GSoC every year. It is the best platform for the aspiring programmers improve their skill and give back to society by developing free and open source software.
Last year’s GSoC work helped me to present a talk at FOSDEM 2017 and Ruby Conf India 2017. I got active in the Indian Ruby Community. Recently, I have been invited as a speaker to Ruby World Conference 2017, Matsue, Japan to talk on “GPU computing with Ruby”.
I plan to continue contributing to open source, strive for improving my skills, and help new programmers contribute to FOSS. I would be glad if I could mentor students for upcoming GSoCs.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my mentor Pjotr Prins, for his guidance, patience and support. I have learn a lot from him since my last GSoC and still learning. I couldn’t have hoped for a better mentor.
I am grateful to Google and the Ruby Science Foundation for this golden opportunity.
I am very thankful to John Woods, Sameer Deshmukh, Alexej Gossmann, Gaurav Tamba and Pradeep Garigipati who mentored me through the project.
©2016-2024 Prasun Anand